Are You Experiencing Chest Pain?
There can be a myriad of causes of chest pain, and the effects can vary greatly. Chest pain related to the heart may be a warning sign of a life-threatening condition, such as heart failure. If you are experiencing chest pain, it’s important that you seek medical attention immediately. In this brief article, we will discuss the symptoms and causes of heart-related chest pain and how the top cardiologist in Tampa can diagnose and treat these ailments. For chest pain care, consult Jesal V. Popat, M.D., FACC, today.
Common Symptoms of Chest Pain
As we stated above, there are many causes of chest pain. Some can be as mild as a digestive issues like heartburn while others can be as serious as heart disease. Some common symptoms of heart-related chest pain include:
Pressure or tightness in your chest cavity
A burning sensation in your chest
Pain that radiates in your jaw, neck, shoulders, back, or down your arms
Pain that lasts longer than a few minutes
Pain that lingers in intensity
Trouble breathing, cold sweats, dizziness
Weakness or nausea
Although experiencing the above symptoms does not guarantee a serious heart condition, even if you are experiencing vague discomfort, you should schedule an appointment with a cardiologist in Tampa, FL, to learn more about your condition.
Chest Pain Can Be a Serious Heart Condition
In certain cases, heart-related chest pain can be associated with the following causes:
Heart Attack: when an artery is blocked, it can no longer provide the heart with blood and oxygen. This often occurs because a plaque ruptures forming a blood clot that blocks the artery.
Aortic Dissection: when patients experience severe chest pain, this can be related to aortic dissection. This is a condition in which the innermost layer of the aorta is injured. When the inner layers of the aorta separate, this can lead to the aorta rupturing.
Angina: when there is reduced blood flow to the heart, a patient can feel intense pressure and squeezing of their chest cavity along with discomfort in their neck, jaw, shoulders, and arms. Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease.
Diagnosing Chest Pain
If you are experiencing chest pain, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will experience one of the above heart conditions; however, you will need to have your symptoms accurately diagnosed. Chest pain may be associated with a heart condition or another life-threatening condition, like a collapsed lung. A cardiologist in Tampa, FL, can perform a variety of tests to determine the root cause of your chest pain, including:
Electrocardiogram (ECG): with electrodes attached to your skin, a cardiologist can assess the activity of your heart.
Chest X-Ray: an X-ray allows your heart doctor to see the condition of your heart, blood vessels, and lungs to determine if any of these areas are damaged.
Blood Tests: through a blood test, a cardiologist can determine if your body has seen increased levels of proteins and other compounds that may have leaked from the heart into your blood.
Computerized Tomography: a CT scan can provide comprehensive images of the inside of your body and identify a blood clot in your lung or any other chest condition.
The treatment approach varies depending on the root cause of the chest pain. Some forms of treatment for chest pain include:
Non-invasive surgery to treat any blockage to an artery
Medications to reduce chest pain
A plant-based diet to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle
If you are experiencing chest pain, Dr. Popat is committed to improving your condition.
To consult Jesal V. Popat, M.D., FACC, the top cardiologist in Tampa, please call (813) 344-0934 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.
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